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Your world starts to change when you acknowledge this truth: We are evolving…

We are a beautiful work in progress, and we don’t need to have everything figured out from the beginning, to enjoy the success we strive for.

The “perfect” job, title, company, or career, is just a matter of perspective, changing at every stage of your life…

Your whole career path should be exciting, not only at the peak of the mountain.

“But where to start?” You ask yourself, with all the angst of making career decisions.

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Stephen Covey answers this question: “Direction is more important than speed”! When I was still in college, I chose a different path from my friends; my grades were quite disappointing and not expressive of my potential… And for the first time, my friends were ahead of me, and I was behind. All this let me think I made the wrong decision about the educational section… But, I got this epiphany moment! I realized, that even if I could be doing great in the other section, I wasn’t meant to be there, and the disappointment in my grades was due to my poor performance. So I took responsibility for my own actions and committed to achieving better results. From this small experience, I understood the importance of direction: the sense of having a clear image of yourself in the future; proactivity: don’t be reactive to your circumstances, but assume your responsibility and power to make a change in your life; and commitment: set a goal, put a plan, focus, and your self-discipline won’t fail you. But in life, there is more than just a career path, there is a whole life that is given to us to enjoy it. Your focus on your career should never consume you to the point where you sacrifice yourself, your family, and your friends, for your career goals. And you should not allow the perfection you seek in your career to expand and haunt you in every aspect of your life. Seeking a perfect you, perfect relationships, perfect leisure activities, and perfect plans with your inability to “control” them, can only lead you to undesirable miserable places like depression. To live the life you want, better selection and continuous growth should take the place of control and perfection. And in addition to having a plan, you have to define what success looks like at every stage of your life, and nurture healthy relationships. When my career in accounting and finance took off, I couldn’t settle! Hustle may be the word to describe how eager I was to grow and give the best that could be given to any thriving company. This required me continuous self-assessment, goal orientation, redirection, skills upgrade, growth plan, implementation, mistakes, learning, and improvement. A nonstop process… that led me to the coaching industry. At first, I was just curious to discover what is coaching and how it could help people connect with their inner powers and achieve the best of themselves. I also wanted to excel in my personal life as much as in my career, and was looking to acquire the skill that will help me achieve this balance and this success. Coaching was magic on its own! It enabled me to reach a state of self-consciousness, growth, leadership, and productivity I never dreamed to reach before. Another passion was borne within me, which was to help others create a vision for themselves that inspires every aspect of their lives, to live, love, and work with fulfillment. My coaching journey has started, and nothing has been more fulfilling for me than seeing the satisfaction of my coachees when they achieve goals they hold dear to their hearts.

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